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2023 Quality Engineering

About the Series

"QA Q&A" is a show hosted by Axelerant's Director of Quality Engineering Services, Shweta Sharma. She invites thought leaders worldwide to answer burning questions about QE best practices, trends, and hot topics.

  • Guests:
    • Marie Cruz
    • Ajay Balamurugadas
    • Dimpy Adhikary
    • Maaret Pyhäjärvi
    • Parveen Khan
    • Santhosh Tuppad
  • Genres:
    • Quality Assurance
    • Quality Engineering
    • Testing
    • Accessibility
  • Style:
    • 10 Questions
    • Thought Leadership
    • Informed Answers


We are joined by Marie Cruz who answers 10 Qs about accessibility.

We are joined by Ajay Balamurugadas who covers everything about Usability Testing.

We are joined by Dimpy Adhikary who covers everything about API Testing.

We are joined by Maaret Pyhäjärvi who covers everything about Agile Testing.

We are joined by Parveen Khan who covers everything about Observability Testing.

We are joined by Santhosh Tuppad who covers everything about Security Testing.

Want to be on QA Q&A?

Shweta is on a quest to interview top Quality Engineering movers, doers, and dreamers. Schedule some time with her and we'll get back to you.