Self Management Strategies To Boost Career Growth
Work Culture
New Delhi
Madhya Pradesh
New Delhi
Uttar Pradesh
Well, because remote work isn’t a benefit, it’s our culture. That’s how every team member at Axelerant works. All you need is an Internet connection, and you can work from anywhere that suits you. Rather than wasting countless hours and valuable energy commuting to and from work, remote working enables our team members to stay productive in their comfort zones.
What we Offer
All you need is an Internet connection. Work from anywhere that suits you, and choose the work hours that help you balance your life with a minimum overlap of 2 hours with your peers.
Axelerant is not a job, it’s a lifestyle. We do everything in our power to create an engaged and fulfilling work environment for you.
Every life event important to you is equally important to us. From birthdays and work anniversaries to marriages and childbirth, you can expect gifts from us.
When your participation is mutually beneficial to you and Axelerant, and your session gets accepted, we will fully sponsor you for international and domestic events.
We will invest INR 45000/USD 500 to help you create a comfortable work environment in your home. You’ll also have INR 12000/USD 200 monthly towards renting a co-working space.
You’ll be eligible for 40 days of consolidated leave annually (aside from the weekends), plus maternity, adoption, paternity, and sabbatical allowances.
We’re always teaching and learning. Peer mentorship, performance coaching, sponsored certifications, and training to help you advance professionally.
You can pick your preferred way to stay fit, active, and healthy, and we will reimburse up to INR 18,000/250 USD annually to support that.
In Our Own Words
Because we work remotely, I have a better work-life balance that gives me lots of time for self-development and my other interests. Axelerant is so different from other places I’ve worked—more inclusive, more respectful, and highly empathetic.
Because of Axelerant’s people care support, I’ve learned to spend more quality time taking care of myself, so that I can bring my most effective, relevant effort to bear, every workday. I’m inspired to share our perosnal development stories with each other as we use them to become better professionally too.
What I enjoy the most about working at Axelerant is the fact that everyone recognizes we have lives outside of work-that everyone has kids, parents, extended family, and people for whom they can always be around when needed.
World Wide
Our team of 200+ includes some of the best and brightest from around the world. And we're expanding. One outstanding team member at a time.
Our Blogs
Self Management Strategies To Boost Career Growth
The Best Body Language Tips And Mistakes For Job Interviews
Practicing Openness for Professional Success
Comprehensive Guide To The Best Resignation Letter
The Key Soft Skills You Need for Success: A Comprehensive Guide
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