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Mar 11, 2024 | 4 Minute Read

Comprehensive Guide To The Best Resignation Letter

Table of Contents


This article shares a professional resignation letter format and tips on writing one that ensures a smooth job transition.

Given that millions search for "how to write a resignation letter," it can be said that the prospect is filled with dread and confusion.

Quite natural. 

A lot hangs by the thread—or the letter, in this case—if you want to ensure a smooth career move.

However, it can be pretty straightforward if you approach writing a resignation letter systematically. 

Here's what I mean.

What Is A Professional Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter is a formal document a team member submits to their employer to indicate their intention to leave. 

It expresses gratitude, provides notice period details, and often states the reason(s) for departure. 

This letter is vital to a professional exit strategy and kickstarts a team member's exit process from their current position. 

By the way, click here if you're looking for job-searching strategies to land your next dream job.

To Whom And Where Do You Send A Resignation Letter?

There are many ways to share your resignation letter, depending on where you work.

Usually, people share their letters with immediate supervisors. 

You also send a copy to the People Operations team (or human resource representative, as it's still sadly called in most companies).  

Here are some common avenues to consider:

  • In-person meeting: Schedule a face-to-face meeting to discuss and hand over the resignation letter to your manager
  • Email: Send over a formal email with the attached letter
  • Hard copy delivery: Deliver a printed and signed copy of the letter to the People Operations department or the supervisor's office
  • Registered mail: If working remotely, you may need to send a hard copy via registered mail for a formal and documented delivery (do this only if your company requires you to)
  • Company portal: Submit the resignation letter through the organization's online portal or People Operations system


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Why Do You Write A Resignation Letter, And When? 

You will have personal reasons for putting in your papers, like professional and financial growth, relocation requirements, experimentation with new job roles, emergencies, medical conditions, caregiver obligations, etc.

For instance, one of the major reasons why workers quit their jobs during the Great Resignation was toxic work culture.

Many chose to change not only their jobs but industries—talk about being done.

Officially, though, these are the reasons why you must submit a resignation letter.

  • Formal notice: It serves as a formal notice to your employer, a part of fair professional etiquette
  • Documentation: Provides a documented record of your decision and the terms of departure
  • Maintains professionalism: Demonstrates respect for your employer and colleagues, creating a positive professional reputation
  • Legal requirement: In most organizations, submitting a resignation letter is a contractual or legal requirement

If you're waiting on an acceptance letter from another company, don't start the process until you get it.

Wait until you have an offer at hand.

Write your resignation letter first, discuss it with your supervisor to give them a heads-up, and submit it.

If you're switching jobs, consider the new date of joining and the notice period policy at your current organization.

You can negotiate timelines if you have a cordial relationship with your manager and can speed up the knowledge transfer.

Best Resignation Letter Format That Works In Any Situation

Here's a simple yet professional resignation letter format you can customize.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]




[Recipient's Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]


Dear [Recipient's Name],


Opening Paragraph: State Intention

Begin with a clear statement of your intention to resign. State your last working day according to the company's notice period policy. 

Middle Paragraph: Express Gratitude

Express gratitude for your tenure here. Optional: briefly mention why you resigned, focusing on positive aspects or personal growth.

Ending Paragraph: Offer Transitional Support

Offer assistance in the transition by training a replacement, completing pending tasks, or providing documentation to ensure a smooth handover.

Formal Closing

End with a formal closing (for instance, "Sincerely" or "Best Regards") followed by your full name and signature for a hard copy.


This format balances professionalism, gratitude, and a cooperative tone, making it suitable for various resignation scenarios. 

Here's An Example Of A Resignation Letter

Feel free to customize the resignation letter content according to your needs.

John Doe

123 Tech Lane

Cityville, ST 56789


(555) 123-4567




[Recipient's Name]

XYZ Tech Solutions

456 Arrow Street

Tech City, ST 67890


Dear [Recipient's Name],

Please consider this letter my formal notice of resignation as a Software Engineer at XYZ Tech Solutions. My last work day will be on [Insert Last Working Date].

The collaborative environment and challenging projects at XYZ Tech Solutions have contributed significantly to my professional growth. And I'm filled with nothing but gratitude for this experience.

I'll be happy to assist in a smooth transition by giving a documented knowledge transfer to my colleagues of the projects I was associated with.

I have enjoyed my time here and would like to stay connected with the talented people I've had the pleasure of working alongside.


John Doe

Mistakes You Want To Avoid In A Resignation Letter

The resignation letter is only a part of a larger career transition process.

The process will proceed smoothly, as it should, if you succeed in writing a respectable resignation letter.

But beware that the following points will not help your cause of an amicable departure. 

  • Negative tone: Don't share negative sentiments or criticisms about the company, colleagues, or management. Keep the tone positive and focus on gratitude.
  • Steer clear of blame: Resist the temptation to assign blame—however hard it might seem—for your decision to resign. Instead, focus on personal or professional growth and new opportunities as the driving factors behind your choice.
  • Oversharing personal details: While providing a brief reason for resigning is acceptable, avoid oversharing personal or sensitive information, especially if the reason for your departure is personal, like a medical condition.
  • Including too much detail: Keep the letter concise and focused. Avoid including unnecessary details or extensive explanations. A long-winded letter might backfire as you mention something out of place and context.
  • Lack of gratitude or boasting: We learn something from each professional experience, whether negative or positive, directly or indirectly. Express your gratitude politely and move on. And don't be coarse and boast about your new salary or position.
  • Ambiguous notice period: Clearly state your last working day. Ambiguity in this aspect can create confusion and disrupt the transition process.
  • Informal language: While the tone can be respectful, maintain a level of formality in language. Avoid using overly casual or informal expressions that may diminish the professionalism of the letter.

Isolate some time from your schedule, get a hot cuppa, and write that resignation letter.

With these tips, your resignation letter shouldn't get funny glares or frowns. You'll be soon on your way to a new and exciting opportunity.

And if you're still looking for new opportunities, you're at the right place.

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About the Author
Rohit Ganguly, Content Marketer
About the Author

Rohit Ganguly, Content Marketer

Rohit is a content marketer first and a YouTuber second. He loves to interact with animals, feed them, clean his apartment, and spend time with friends and family. Curious by nature, he also enjoys literature, movies, meditation, and calligraphy.

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