At Axelerant, we work really, really hard to ensure our approach to contributions is a holistic one. While our primary focus is Drupal, we formed an Open Source Contribution Committee with the purpose of directing our contributions for maximum impact across our organization.
We've created a separate vertical altogether to strengthen the global Open Source community, as well as local communities in the Indian Drupal ecosystem. Through these efforts, we've achieved contributions in almost all of the Open Source technologies that we use.
Community Contributions
To these efforts, we’ve elevated our giving core value status. With so many contributions being made across technologies of different kinds, Axelerant maintains a Community Contributions & Events Tracker sheet to record them. This log has been in place for more than a year, tracking our Open Source community contributions, from commits to event volunteering, session presentations, QA collaborations, etc.
We take Open Source integrity seriously.
A few notable ecosystems that we’ve been proactively giving to are Drupal, WordPress, Redmine, and DevOps. Our tracking sheet is a work in progress, and we’d like your feedback on improving the sheet to log things more efficiently.
Axelerant team members are involved in organizing and volunteering for DrupalCamps and other Open Source gatherings. This ranges from volunteering towards Open Source Event Photography to sessions and presentations of all kinds. Just this past year and in 2016, we've supported:
- DrupalCon Asia
- DrupalCon New Orleans
- DrupalCamp Delhi
- DrupalCamp Mumbai
- DrupalCamp Hyderabad
- jQueryConf
- DrupalCamp Bangalore
- DrupalCamp Pune
- WordCamp Montreal
- DevOps Days India
- iOS@Taipei
- Tokyo Developers Meetup 17 - Dev Japan
- Drupal Montreal Meetup
- WordCamp Montreal 2015
- Laravel Montreal Meetup Group
- Drupal Taiwan
More on Technology:
- 300+ commit mentions in D8 core.
- LXCOS: Run seamless containers over a cluster: LXCOS is a minimalistic operating system that can spawn several unprivileged LXC containers. All while giving you the flexibility to be able to scale the base nodes over a network.
- Curamine: It's Redmine with more agile awesomeness.
- 11 plugins contributed to WordPress via Michael, Saurabh, and Subh.
- Contributed two bug fix patches to Symfony by Kuldeep.
- Mahesh contributed an open source plugin to Xcode.
- Axelerant team members have answered 600+ questions across 3 StackExchange forums & other community forums.
Monthly Drupal 8 Sprints
To help with the Drupal 8 project so to bring about quicker releases. We’ve started monthly Drupal 8 code sprints at Axelerant that dedicates about 100 hours a month to contributing to Drupal 8 core. With this initiative, we’re encouraging new contributors from within Axelerant. QAs are getting involved with the testing of issues and submitting reports.
Recognized Drupal 8 Contributor
Currently Axelerant has over 300 commit mentions in the Drupal 8 core by our 24 team members (Alan, Aliya, Ankit, Bassam, Hussain, Karthik, Kuldeep, Lakshmi, Mitesh, Mohit, Murtaza, Nikita, Nikunj, Rajeev, Rudra, Sabreena, Saurabh, Shweta, Sreenivasan, Sushil, Subharanjan, Swati, Trupti & Vishnu).
Our technical architect Hussain Abbas is #33 in the world for Drupal 8 contributions.
311 Drupal 8 commits by Axelerant's team:
- hussainweb : 218
- rudraram : 12
- alansaviolobo : 8
- mohit_aghera : 8
- tkuldeep17 : 8
- aliyakhan : 7
- miteshmap : 6
- truptti : 5
- ankit agrawal : 4
- sushyl : 4
- alvimurtaza : 3
- subharanjan : 3
- swati_qa : 2
- lakshminp : 2
- phantomvish : 2
- rajeevk : 2
- shwetaneelsharma : 2
- sabreena : 1
- am_sreenivasan : 1
- nikitajain : 1
- karthik kumar bodu : 1
- nikunjkotecha : 1
- pradeep22saini : 1
- saurabhsirdixit : 1
As we continue to contribute great things to our communities, this post will continue to grow.
This article was originally published in September, 2015 and has been since updated.

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