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Sep 25, 2023 | 5 Minute Read

Axelerant At Drupal Camp Pune 2023

Table of Contents


This article captures what we, at Axelerant, have learned about the current Drupal ecosystem through our presence in Drupal Camp Pune, 2023.

Drupal Camp Pune Happened After Four Long Years

When the event’s news made it to our ears, to put it mildly, yes, we were excited. Like burst-crackers-at-midnight excited.

And we crossed out dates on the calendar till August 5, 2023—the first day of Drupal Camp Pune. 

The last in-person Drupal Camp Pune happened right before the pandemic hit.

You’d think a general state of timidness would fill the air in the event—what with people meeting after so long. 

But far from it, the prevailing attitude was of excitement. And relief. 

Click here to check out our open positions.

And We Weren’t Missing It For Anything

Sponsorship, workshops, session speakers, volunteering—we pulled all the stops to help make this event memorable.

Axelerant booth in Drupal Camp Pune

The trivia contests were a hit at our booth, so was the access to unlimited chocolates.

And our team members met techies who could hold their ground on conversations around new tech as smoothly as the current season of La Liga, or local gastronomy wonders.

Axlerant teammates playing in the booth

The people made the camp spectacular—every person present at the event helped make it a success.

Axelerant booth trivia prize distribution

We Openly Shared Our Knowledge 

Eight out of the 12 session speakers were from Axelerant. Plus a workshop by Axelerant Senior Software Engineers, Binny Thomas and Dhirendra Mishra. 

(Find more session details below.)



The Drupal community is always buzzing with eager knowledge seekers and sharers.

You don’t see such footfalls everywhere. 

Axelerant full house session

These were the session tracks:

  • Beyond Drupal
  • Business and leadership
  • QA, DevOps, and infrastructures
  • Drupal plus Back-end
  • Community
  • Front-end web design



Conducted A Direct Drupal Survey 

Big changes are making headway in Drupal, similar to any other CMS (Content Management System).

And the biggest is AI's (artificial intelligence) emergence.

That’s why we conducted a short, direct survey in the camp to see what the community feels about these changes.

Asking Questions Like. . .

Techies from various roles shared their views: developer, site builder, theming specialist, project manager, business owner, etc.

This is what they had to say.

How long have you been using Drupal?

How long have you been using Drupal_

How satisfied are you with the support and resources available in the Drupal community?

How satisfied are you with Drupal_

How do you see AI changing how you work with Drupal and beyond?

Over 90% of the participants said AI will affect the Drupal community positively.

"Drupal development will certainly become faster, and hopefully, it will help us focus on being more creative with our web applications," said Sushil Hanwate, a Developer associated with Drupal for over a decade. 

Most believe Drupal's AI integration will increase productivity by helping write better code, identify bugs and solutions, and streamline content creation.

"AI, when integrated well with Drupal, can help deliver customers a more personalized and engaging experience. Tools like GitHub Copilot will only make it easier for developers to write Drupal code, resulting in better developer productivity," shared Prateek Jain, a session speaker and the Director of Digital Experience Platforms at Axelerant. 

Some participants also shared that AI-powered websites can generate better business value through features like advanced search with voice and visual integrations, routine task automation, and predictive analytics.

The consensus was that AI and Drupal would complement each other's spread in the tech industry.

What improvements would you suggest to enhance Drupal’s capabilities?

"Drupal already has proved itself as the top content management system, especially with its large worldwide community," said Theming Specialist Anurag Deshmukh.

But technology is ever-evolving, and so is Drupal.

And these points—from techies using the platform for one year to a decade—can certainly help in its evolution.

More than half the participants wanted finer AI integration and robust security features in Drupal.

"Keep enhancing the security features and measures to protect the websites, encourage the community to contribute, and start using AI to enhance the fundamental features of Drupal," said Axelerant Software Engineer and session speaker Ulka Bendale

Almost 50% of the surveyed wanted the user experience and interface to improve for greater ease of use.

"Features like the project browser and automated updates are in development. The goal is to simplify Drupal as a no-code platform from the user's perspective," said Ajit Shinde, a Drupal Developer associated with Drupal for over a decade.

Young Drupalers shared a need for local development resources and better documentation. 

And a willingness to have more meet-ups echoed among all the surveyed.

If Drupal were a dog, what kind of dog do you think it would be?

If Drupal were a dog 1

And Gave Back To The Local Community

What makes Drupal camps special is their ability to bring the local community together. 

Over a shared love for Open Source. For a better, more inclusive future. 

In keeping with that spirit of giving back, we partnered with a local, Pune-based charity, Snehwan.

We aimed to donate $5 for every completed survey by the camp participants.


Thanks to them and their open spirit, we could contribute with a humble amount of $600.


If You’re Looking For A Change

If you're one of the amazing people with whom we had a blast at the camp, are you looking for a change?

Not one of them? Well, this goes for you, too. 

As long as you want to work where professional growth doesn't mean sacrificing personal wellness.

Click here to check out our open positions.

And If You’re Looking For The Session Details

Here you go. 



Gaurav Mahlawat

Senior Software Engineer


Introduction to single directory components into Drupal 10.1

Explored Drupal 10.1's single directory component. Its benefits, architectural changes, and practical guidelines through real-world examples from experience.

Attendees left with practical tips to incorporate this new feature into their Drupal projects to streamline module development.



Kalaiselvan Swamy

Staff Software Engineer


The secret to better deployments that serve business: Handle project deployments with complex work inflow

Continuous deployment is critical to serve the business or end users. As much as core development.

Attendees learned:

  • Keeping the application secure through same-day deployments
  • How to say Yes to customers seeking delivery of business-critical features earlier than planned release
  • Being ready with production-ready code to be deployed instantly
  • Continuous integration for the use cases like: security updates, feature enhancements, prompt feature releases
  • Tested strategies for success


Mukul Garg

Program Lead



Monisha Navlani

Program Lead


How teams can break free from the shackles of Agile Anti-Patterns!

Agile anti-patterns can lead to misleading burn reports and heavily fluctuating velocity graphs, resulting in a demotivated team and unsatisfied clients. 

Attendees learned:

  • Proactively identifying anti-patterns and concentrating on the value and output of Agile processes
  • Aligning Agile processes with a utilization perspective
  • Revamping current Agile practices and recovering from Agile anti-pattern dependencies


Prateek Jain

Director of Digital Experience Platforms



Abhishek Dhariwal

Consultant - Digital Experience Platforms


Marketing automation with Drupal Commerce and Mautic

Drupal Commerce is a flexible and scalable open-source e-commerce platform with features like product creation and management, shopping cart functionality, checkout, payment processing, tax calculation, and order management.

But its biggest drawback is that it needs marketing automation features like user segmentation, personalization, campaigns, and lead management. This is where Mautic comes in.

Attendees learned:

  • Recovering Abandoned Carts
    Marketing automation can recover lost sales for ecommerce businesses by sending automated reminder emails to customers who abandoned their shopping carts. These emails include a reminder of the items left behind and a discount offer to encourage purchase.
  • Upselling And Cross-Selling
    Marketing automation can help ecommerce businesses increase revenue by offering targeted product recommendations to customers based on browsing and purchase history.
  • Launching Win-Back Campaigns
    Marketing automation can help ecommerce businesses re-engage customers who haven't purchased in a while by sending them targeted win-back campaigns.


Jaspreet Singh

Senior Project Manager


A resilient approach to project management: Adapting to unexpected challenges

Resilience is vital for project managers and teams to navigate project management's ever-changing landscape. It requires cultivating a resilient mindset and using strategies to adapt to unexpected challenges.

Attendees learned of ways to:

  • Manage projects with resilience
  • Develop a resilient mindset by exploring strategies
  • Identify the importance of a resilient project team
  • Prepare for contingencies and manage risks effectively
  • Be adaptable and open to change
  • Establish a culture of learning from setbacks and failures


Ulka Bendale

Software Engineer


Web development 2.0: Embracing the AI revolution

AI can be used in web development to personalize websites, improve user experience, add voice assistants, and enhance security. But not without its challenges.

Attendees learned about:

  • Benefits, challenges, and need of using AI in web development
  • Valuable insights into using AI in web development
  • Tested ways to improve websites using AI


Binny Thomas

Senior Software Engineer



Dhirendra Mishra

Senior Software Engineer



Drupal workshop: A guide to Drupal contributions

Drupal contributions are important for the developer, the platform, and the community. But young Drupalers often aren’t sure where to start and need a guide.

Attendees learned about:

  • The importance and benefits of Drupal contributions
  • Types of contributions and their examples
  • The link between contributions and the credit system
  • Best contribution practices

See you soon.


About the Author
Rohit Ganguly, Content Marketer
About the Author

Rohit Ganguly, Content Marketer

Rohit is a content marketer first and a YouTuber second. He loves to interact with animals, feed them, clean his apartment, and spend time with friends and family. Curious by nature, he also enjoys literature, movies, meditation, and calligraphy.

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